Vi arbetar MOT European Chicken Commitment
För oss på Bjärefågel är det viktigt att hela tiden jobba för att våra kycklingar ska ha det bra. Om vi ser en möjlighet till positiva förändringar för dem så ska vi göra det. Som ett steg i detta har vi valt att arbeta för att vi ska kunna ansluta oss till European Chicken Commitment.
Sedan länge har våra kycklingar gott om plats i stallen. Faktiskt dubbelt så mycket plats, jämfört med vad som är standard i Sverige.
Vi var först i Sverige med att föda upp en långsamt växande kyckling. Nu har vi bytt till Ranger Gold – en ras som är långsamt växande och godkänd av djurskyddsföreningar i Europa. Ännu fler förbättringar är på gång.
Vi kommer att ha uppfyllt kriterierna senast 2026 och under tiden kommer vi rapportera om våra framsteg. Läs mer om vad European Chicken Commitment nedan eller via länk längst ner.
European Chicken Commitment
To Whom It May Concern:
As you may know, we, the undersigned organisations, work individually with many food companies. In the course of that engagement, we’re sometimes asked by companies if our groups can speak with one voice. That generally isn’t possible— our groups don’t necessarily work in tandem, and often disagree on issues, tactics, and more.
That said, you may be pleased to know that, while we often are not in agreement with one another, we have reached agreement on what the most pressing welfare concerns related to broiler production are, and how to best mitigate those concerns. Towards that end, we’ve reached a common agreement on baseline broiler welfare policy language—which we agree is the minimum that any European corporate policy must achieve and make publicly available. That language is outlined below. Thank you for your interest in this issue.
Albert Schweitzer Stiftung für unsere Mitwelt (Germany)
Anima International (Global)
Animal Equality (Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Global)
Animals Aotearoa (New Zealand)
Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature (Belarus)
Çiftlik Hayvanlarını Koruma Platformu (Turkey)
Compassion in World Farming (UK, EU, Global)
Deutscher Tierschutzbund (Germany)
Djurens Rätt (Sweden)
Dyrenes Beskyttelse (Denmark)
Een DIER Een VRIEND (Netherlands)
Equalia (Spain)
Essere Animali (Italy)
Eurogroup for Animals (Pan-European)
Freedom and Respect for Every Earthling , F.R.E.E (Romania)
Fundacja Alberta Schweitzera (Poland)
GAIA (Belgium)
Humane Society International (global)
Humánny Pokrok (Slovakia)
Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Ireland)
L214 (France)
Menschen für Tierrechte (Germany)
OABA (France)
OBRAZ – Obránci zvířat (Czech Republic)
Oikeutta eläimille (Finland)
Otwarte Klatki / Open Cages (Poland, Ukraine)
Pro iure animalis (Germany)
PROVIEH (Germany)
ProVeg International (Germany, global)
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (UK)
Slepice v Nouzi (Czech Republic)
The Humane League (UK, global)
VGT (Austria)
Vier Pfoten / Four Paws (Austria, Germany, UK, Bulgaria & Switzerland)
Welfarm (France)
World Animal Protection (UK, global)
By 2026, we will require our suppliers to meet the following requirements for 100% of the [fresh, frozen, and processed] chicken in our supply chain:
- Comply with all EU animal welfare laws and regulations, regardless of the country of production.
- Implement a maximum stocking density of 30kg/m2 or less. Thinning is discouraged and if practiced must be limited to one thin per flock.
- Adopt breeds that demonstrate higher welfare outcomes: either the following breeds, Hubbard Redbro (indoor use only); Hubbard Norfolk Black, JA757, JACY57, 787, 957, or 987, Rambler Ranger, Ranger Classic, and Ranger Gold, or other breeds that meet the criteria of the RSPCA Broiler Breed Welfare Assessment Protocol.
- Meet improved environmental standards including:
- A. At least 50 lux of light, including natural light.
- At least two metres of usable perch space, and two pecking substrates, per 1,000 birds.
- On air quality, the maximum requirements of Annex 2.3 of the EU broiler directive, regardless of stocking density.
- No cages or multi-tier systems.
5. Adopt controlled atmospheric stunning using inert gas or multi-phase systems, or effective electrical stunning without live inversion.
6. Demonstrate compliance with the above standards via third-party auditing and annual public reporting on progress towards this commitment.
Vad är skillnad mellan kyckling och
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